Daily Taurus Horoscope January 29 (29/01)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

January 29


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 9/10

There are likely numerous benefits to adopting a devil may care attitude in an area of your world, especially if its one youve been taking too seriously recently. Recognizing limits that exist in terms of immediate change you can bring is the first necessary step to that change happening. Give it a chance to show you what it can do instead of the other way around. Sometimes, opportunities seek us out and this could be such a time for you.


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

Plans related to the future and your future security could be demanding attention but you might believe theyre not a priority quite yet. If you sense networking or forming connections that could prove helpful to a cherished plan are worth pursuing, then that could be time well spent. Its possible you could meet someone who has achieved what you yearn to achieve and this person might have helpful suggestions that shed new light on how you intended to pursue your goal.


summary taurus weekly

Star 9/10

Fine lines often exist between friendship and something else, whether its love or business and we can all recall times in the past when we regretted mixing friendship with either or both. The sky doesnt speak of you feeling regret as such, but it does imply youre likely to feel a need to reiterate boundaries that exist within your relationship with a certain person. They might be a bit too willing to cross a line you believe they should stay behind. Make your point sensitively.


summary taurus monthly

Star 10/10

Much of what youre likely to deal with will be intensely personal to you and you might choose to distance yourself from anyone or anything that distracts you from resolving a personal issue that got delayed at the end of this year. Keeping your distance might also prove helpful in terms of ensuring you dont get drawn into a sensitive scenario affecting someone else more than you. Youre not as obliged to involve yourself with their problem as youre led to believe you are.


health taurus daily

Star 10/10

Your creative nature is nurtured by aerobic exercise. Activities such as running, swimming and yoga will strengthen your lungs and enhance the mercurial juices that are your lifeblood. Giving yourself what you need can become a matter of debate if you allow your diet and exercise regimens to go unscheduled. Your mind will strike up a discussion with your "evil twin" about what you really need - it can sound like this: "Chocolate cookies? Running? Chocolate cookies? Running?" Make a schedule and stick to it.


health taurus tomorrow

Star 7/10

The structure in which to play and work was all organized for you in kindergarten. This is not to belittle any feelings you may have of being "out of control" - it is to remind you of the importance of structure. The present planetary configuration helps you to set the necessary boundaries - whatever is right for you - for your health. Structure needs to be flexible but very, very strong. Try to enjoy the process of integrating structure into your life.


health taurus weekly

Star 8/10

It may be of some benefit to join an online group associated with any health problem you may have. On the other hand, you could benefit from connecting with a group that focuses on yoga or meditation. Explore the local offerings. Youll gain in any number of areas, including diet, serenity, and beyond.


health taurus monthly

Star 9/10

Jupiters ongoing presence in your wellness zone continues to be a boon and a blessing. It can help bestow greater energy and general good health. If you have a condition, you might find that this beneficial planet brings positive options for new treatments or the issue eases somewhat. However, this month Venus, your health planet, edges into Pisces for all four weeks, and you could be out and about and perhaps socializing more. If youre eager to keep your weight steady, then be aware of what you eat when youre out with friends. It can help you avoid gaining weight.


love taurus daily

Star 7/10

The planets are making it possible for you to see how much you are giving encouragement to another to grow in confidence. Although you tend to be more detached in your relationships, in this instance your warmth and kindness have really helped your love interest to be more their true self. This understanding will deepen the bond between you and also enable them to see how they can help you in turn.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

Dont worry about not making the right impression today, especially if you are going out on that first date. All you need to get it right is your very original sense of humor. Keep the conversation light, upbeat, and different; in fact just be your unique self and everything will work out wonderfully well. You will probably enjoy many more evenings together.


love taurus weekly

Star 9/10

Whats your first reaction when youre confronted with your past? It isnt easy to admit you were wrong or think about mistakes youve made, but avoiding them wont work either. Take some time in the beginning of the week to get some solid closure. Fun events over the weekend take your mind off your dating woes, but theyre still under the surface. Its OK to put them on the back burner for now.


love taurus monthly

Star 10/10

Jupiters influence on January 1 brings into focus the romantic possibilities ahead. Isnt it nice to have something to look forward to?! The Cancer Full Moon on January 12 brings your emotions to the surface. Blurting out your feelings to a secret crush could be a result. They may not be reciprocated, but if they are, its just one more thing to smile about. Mercury and Pluto meet on January 26, adding depth to your communication style. The puzzled look on your dates face will tell you if what youre saying is over his or her head. Adjust your vocabulary as needed.


career taurus daily

Star 10/10

Someone in your workplace is likely to abuse his or her position of power today. Just because he or she has authority over you doesnt mean that this person is allowed to be disrespectful to you. Be careful of letting a situation go too far.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 7/10

More than one person might tell you how to do your job today. Listen with only one ear. Most likely, this person doesnt know much about anything you are involved with - so dont let him or her have too much of an influence on your day. You know best.


career taurus weekly

Star 9/10

Someone you thought you could count on may let you down or be particularly difficult. Open yourself to new possibilities. This is especially good advice if you feel worried or havent been sleeping well. Dont let others fears or challenges influence your attitude. Face your fears in order to discover what is real and what is causing you unnecessary stress. Youre only going through a phase.


career taurus monthly

Star 8/10

A heated exchange could occur in the middle of January. Youre tired of having your directives taken lightly by an irreverent co-worker. Its time to have a serious talk about their attitude. If you need a supervisor to mediate, so be it. Youve always tried hard to be respectful of others and deserve the same consideration. The days around January 26 will be rewarding. Dont be surprised if youre offered a high-profile job or impressive promotion. The powers that be admire your ability to work independently. Acting as spokesperson for a new division or company will be rewarding. This change will be refreshing.



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