Daily Scorpio Horoscope February 19 (19/02)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

February 19


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 7/10

Its within your ability to form a deeper connection with a certain person by focusing on a shared interest and moving on from an aspect of the past. Regardless of how let down you might have felt previously or if your efforts to make progress were met with resistance by a certain person, something special can be embarked upon if honesty underpins whats being discussed or proposed. A fresh start appears to be something both of you want, so seize it!


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

A feeling or possibly an emotion youre struggling to make sense of or come to terms with might need you to keep it to yourself for a little while longer. Normally, there are rarely ever disbenefits to opening up to someone and releasing what needs releasing but this could be a time when doing so serves to only invite or encourage more confusion or uncertainty. When the time comes to open up, youll know it. Allowing a bit more time to pass will make that process so much easier.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

Guard against being overly keen or even desperate in some way as a belief that doing something, anything, might be better than doing nothing. You might overlook the benefits of inactivity by believing youre at risk of making a situation more complicated or precarious by leaving it alone. Mars tense link with your ruler, Pluto, could be causing alarm bells to sound unnecessarily. The best way of seizing control of a situation is to refuse to succumb to false pressure.


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

With Venus and Mars active in your solar sector of self-improvement, something connected with work, health or both could be transformed. Venus influence could encourage some Scorpions to embark upon an office romance or find love in a gym or fitness center. A Lunar Eclipse in your career sector brings recognition and appreciation your way. A Solar Eclipse in your true love sector could give you and someone close something new to focus on creating or sharing together.


health scorpio daily

Star 9/10

You are ambitious, and can sometimes forget the pleasure that is to be had along the way. Try devising a quiz that you can give yourself a few times a month: call it, \"The Creature Comfort Quiz.\" The questions are up to you - but here are some examples: Is there enough bubble bath in the house? Do I have clothes that flatter my body type or do I need to do a little shopping for basics? Do I have my favorite fresh fruit in the house? Etcetera! With a little self-interrogation, you will come up with plenty of ideas that make you smile.


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

The positions of the planets create a favorable energy and whisper encouraging thoughts into your ear. You can feel the potential that this imports to your physical and emotional life. What you do for your body will directly affect your emotional life these days, for better or for worse. Pay attention to the role your mind plays in keeping your body tuned, and how your body helps to keep your emotions in tune. A regular workout keeps you listening.


health scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

You may experience odd pains or bouts of stiffness that seem to arise unexpectedly. These few health obstacles will disappear quickly, but they could make you feel tired. Perhaps you\ve been doing too much and your body is determined to rest. Lighten your schedule if you can.


health scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Mars is now zipping through your wellness sector, so your energy may go through the roof, leaving you feeling better than ever. In fact, over the coming weeks you might enjoy the opportunity to own your power by exercising more, eating better, and celebrating your health. The only issue you may come across is a tendency to overdo it. Pacing yourself could be the key to steady progress without injury or muscle strain. Go easy around February 22, when a competitive streak could work against you. The message here is not to go beyond your limits.


love scorpio daily

Star 10/10

Today\s planetary alignment may create some tension because you and your love interest may think you have the same agenda, but actually have two differing ones. Clarification is necessary, but also a touch of openness and enthusiasm. It is as though you are both set on certain outcomes and are refusing to budge. If you can help rather than hinder each other, all will be well.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

Having a purpose helps you work through difficult times cheerfully. The energy of the day helps you to discern a hidden purpose running through certain recent events that have taken place within your current relationship. If you can see that you are both aiming for something special, then the changes that now need to take place will be welcomed. Be glad about all that is happening.


love scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

Have you already dismissed a friend\s dating ideas before they\ve even been explained? Other people have your best interests at heart at the start of the week, so why not listen to what they have to say? You equate getting set up on a blind date with desperation over the weekend, but saying no just narrows your dating pool. Why not jump off the diving board rather than stay in the shallow end?


love scorpio monthly

Star 7/10

Loving Venus enters forceful Aries on February 3, creating some aggressive energy. You could play coy, but you aren\t about to hide your desires right now. Scorpio has a hot reputation for a reason! The Sun enters fellow Water Sign Pisces on February 18, and this compatible mix puts you at ease regarding matters of the heart. You\re a sensitive and creative lover, which is a very attractive quality. You\re under the masculine influence of Aries again as Mars and Uranus meet in the fiery sign of the Ram on February 26, this time prompting you to really pursue your crush. Your strong self-confidence is super sexy.


career scorpio daily

Star 7/10

You will impress others with the practicality of your ideas. Others are used to your fanciful approach. Surprise them by demonstrating a side of you that you rarely express: your grounded, sensible side. This will earn you big points in the workplace.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

Let your creative juices flow. There is more truth to your fantasies than you think. You will make great strides in your career if you simply let your imagination run wild. Now is the time to bring these wonderful ideas to life. Don\t hold back!


career scorpio weekly

Star 9/10

Hard work and possibly overtime will help you move ambitious plans forward. Your talent for identifying ways to improve any situation needs to be balanced with the power structure you\re working within. Some jobs simply don\t allow you to shine. The energy could bring multiple demands. Make lists in order to stay organized. Things settle down and you should have a good time with co-workers. Week\s end can see you watching dramatic events from the sidelines.


career scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

February invites you to strike a healthier balance between your personal and professional lives. Leaving a prominent job is possible when a powerful Lunar Eclipse creates unexpected changes on February 10. Being able to downshift into a less demanding role will be a blessing in disguise. Instead of worrying about people scrutinizing your every move, you\ll be able to maintain your privacy. A Solar Eclipse on February 26 may inspire you to take an impromptu vacation. Visiting a seaside town will restore your equilibrium. Don\t worry about work while you\re away. Focus on fun and you\ll return feeling energized and optimistic.



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